this past weekend was a whirlwind of house progress! honestly, it was much appreciated; i think we've all started feeling the effects of the initial stages of excitement wearing off, and the day-to-day work setting in. so, we threw a housewarming party (part 1), and invited people to come early if they wanted to pitch in for a bit. friday night steve y-b and thabo's mom and sister came, and dug right in. and saturday, we had lots of help pop in during the day. a (maybe not) complete list of everybody we should thank for helping: steve y-b, jean, atieno, ryan o., katherine, robert, sylvia, mike y., roberto. thanks so much for helping us, and this photo collage is dedicated to you, and all that you are! lots of stuff got done, including major steps on the fourth floor (floor patched, drywall, some cool trim, subfloor, etc.), first floor kitchen cleaned and painted, lots of stuff unpacked and put away in that kitchen, plants planted, lights put up for the party, lots of cleaning and bagging up of garbage, and more. we're really greatful for the help.

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