the crew finished up work this past week, and the back is done! we like it. the bottom pic is included as a reference of what the back used to look like.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
work on the back
here's what the house looked like with the work crew's homemade scaffolding system in place. they replaced the asphalt shingles on the top level, fixing some leaks, and repaired and repainted the cornices and moulding (at the top). they also repaired some brick/mortar issues, and then repainted the whole house.
these are the new shingles that went up.
Monday, May 17, 2010
new concrete
concrete has been jack-hammerd out and re-poured in the courtyard in front of our house and our sidewalk. check out the tree ring/square ready for a new tree!
front o' the house.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
outside work
Here's more pics of the outside work. Our house is shrouded with a dust cloth, giving it a decidely funereal quality, except for the blue tarp on top...
Second pic shows some brownstone color samples that the crew put down for us to look at. Last pic shows some of the detail work that they did recreating the original design.
grout and cornice
Some of the bigger curved pieces they made by hand from an 8"x8" treated post in our back yard. Kind of neat to see the guys carving the curve with chisels.
Repointing and repair to the front
For reference, the first two are a couple of pics of the house, from 2007 when we bought it. We decided a few months ago to start contacting contractors and price out repairing the brick and brownstone, the concrete courtyard, and our sidewalk. After getting a recommendation from a neighbor, we found a great guy who started right away.
The bottom two pics show brickwork; they've removed all of the old grout from between the bricks and cleaned the paint off of the outside of the brick. They've also ground/chipped down the brownstone around the windows and doors, and are prepairing it for a base coat.
The cornice
can be seen in the bottom picture (looking up). They have stripped the old paint from it and are replacing rotted and missing pieces. They are having the moldings cut to match.
The bottom two pics show brickwork; they've removed all of the old grout from between the bricks and cleaned the paint off of the outside of the brick. They've also ground/chipped down the brownstone around the windows and doors, and are prepairing it for a base coat.
The cornice
laundry room counter
These are from 01/10, and show the installation of the cabinet/countertop configuration of the laundry room. We went back and forth on whether to tile this, and ultimately decided to go with cabinet-grade plywood and some polyurethane, with the idea that if we didn't like it, we could tile it later. First pic shows the countertop upside down with the cutouts for the toilet and the back door.
Here's the countertop on and the hinged lid above the toilet installed.Here's the sink installed and cabinet doors.
This is what it looks like when you open up the hidden super-secret toilet compartment. The idea being that when there are events in the backyard, this toilet can be used instead of going all the way up to the third or fourth floors. There will be a blind on the back door window, and a sliding door/screen on the other side of the washer/dryer for privacy.
blog neglecter
dear blog, I'm really sorry for neglecting you for so long. I thought about you, just didn't feel right. It's not you, it's me.
The last post was almost a year and a half ago. Since then, it's safe to say that the interior of all three apartments are pretty much done, and work has slowed waaaay down. What work we have done has been here and there, small projects, and a focus on getting the laundry room up and running. Below are two pics from 11/09 that show the washer and dryer installed, and the toilet. There already was a hookup for the toilet, so we decided to put one back in to be hidden under the countertop that we are installing.
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